Do Clear Aligners Cause Discomfort or Pain When Worn?

Since patients use a new Invisalign aligner every two weeks, some degree of temporary discomfort is expected to occur. This is normal and should not be a cause for concern. Invisalign is a great option for straightening your teeth, but it can sometimes cause some discomfort, pain, or irritation. Pain is generally less compared to traditional orthodontic appliances and can vary in intensity from one individual to another.

Most people describe Invisalign pain as pressure or discomfort as their teeth move to their new position. Invisible braces, such as Invisalign, are used to move your teeth and give you a better smile. Like traditional braces, Invisalign can cause discomfort as your teeth move into a better position. You may notice an increase in gum irritation and canker sores after using the aligners, but rest assured that this discomfort should be short-lived. For deeper relief, cold liquids and soft, cold snacks will naturally provide a calming effect.

On the other hand, you should avoid hard, extremely crunchy foods that will only serve to cause deeper pain and irritation. This is an exact process, so you don't have to rush your teeth so that they move faster than in the Invisalign plan. Straightening your teeth is an uncomfortable process, and it doesn't matter if you wear Invisalign or braces. The good news is that the vast majority of Invisalign pain can be easily remedied and goes away in 48 hours or less. The most common cases where people feel pain with aligners is when they first start using Invisalign and when they switch to a new aligner tray. Pain related to Invisalign can occur in the form of pain in the jaw or the aforementioned cut of the tongue, but it can also be the result of changes in bite patterns.

If you frequently feel pain with Invisalign after changing your aligners, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever before changing your aligner to help prevent pain from occurring. Invisalign chews are designed to be placed between the aligners, so that you can gently bite and sit the trays. Any pain or discomfort you feel from Invisalign is usually temporary, and the greatest risk occurs during the first week of using the new aligners. In fact, more than 54% of Invisalign users experience some mild discomfort that goes away after a short time. This is why many patients experience the most acute pain from Invisalign when they switch to a new set of trays. While any pain caused by Invisalign tends to be mild and temporary, some people may find it too uncomfortable to let it run its course.

Because of this, many Invisalign users report less pain when they meet the recommendation of 22 hours of daily use. Invisalign is a popular way to straighten teeth, but aligners need regular cleaning to be effective. Chewing on hard ice can cause you unnecessary pain because your teeth can become sensitive to chewing on hard foods while using Invisalign. Invisalign and transparent braces may cause some pain or discomfort, but they are almost always mild and temporary.

Jo Ross
Jo Ross

Avid bacon lover. Subtly charming food lover. Incurable introvert. Devoted pizza lover. Wannabe travelaholic.

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