Does Invisalign Treatment Hurt? An Expert's Perspective

Invisalign is a great option for straightening your teeth, but it can sometimes cause some discomfort, pain, or aches. Most people describe the pain as pressure or discomfort as their teeth move to their new position. Generally, the pain is less compared to traditional orthodontic appliances and can vary in intensity from individual to individual. Having worn both in person, there is no comparison between the level of comfort of Invisalign and traditional fixed orthodontic appliances.

Although Invisalign pain is mild and temporary, it can be difficult for some people to endure it on a daily basis. If none of the above options work for you and you can't get rid of the pain caused by Invisalign aligners, seeing a reputable orthodontist might be your only solution. In addition, with Invisalign trays, which are made of smooth, polished plastic, there are no perforated wires or sharp edges like braces, which can sometimes cause irritation in the mouth. In general, patients find that treatment with Invisalign is more comfortable and less painful than metal braces.

While you can eat whatever you want while you don't have your Invisalign aligners on, foods that are too hard or crunchy can worsen tooth pain. Invisalign is made with SmartTrack material designed to make them more comfortable and easier to put on and take off. According to a recent study, 54 percent of people who started using Invisalign aligners experienced temporary minor aches and pains during the first week of treatment, while about 35 percent experienced no pain. It usually takes a week for a person to get used to Invisalign aligners, and people generally only feel pain in this phase.

At the end of the day, Invisalign is usually less painful than more traditional methods of straightening your teeth. Invisalign aligners are made with the SmartTrack material, which has been clinically developed to offer a comfortable bite and effective results. The most common cases where people feel pain with aligners is when they first start using Invisalign and when they switch to a new aligner tray. It is recommended to avoid hard foods after the first week of using Invisalign aligners to prevent pain.

While Invisalign has been shown to be more comfortable than traditional braces, it can cause mild pain, especially during the first week of treatment. While the Invisalign treatment is designed to be comfortable and easy to use, some discomfort or pain can occur, especially when using a new set of aligners for the first time.

Jo Ross
Jo Ross

Avid bacon lover. Subtly charming food lover. Incurable introvert. Devoted pizza lover. Wannabe travelaholic.

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